December 5, 2022 |

November Round-Up 2022: Creating  value for your customers

Learn how to apply for funding from the Canada Digital Adoption Program. Plus: how do you create value for your customers? And how to create a Buyer's Value matrix.

Insights and Updates - Creating  value for your customers

It is often said the one thing businesses must focus on is creating a remarkable customer experience. The way we grade or measure this experience is often the net promoter score (NPS) or the number of referrals your customers provide and, of course, repeat business.

Ultimately these metrics are a derivative of the value you provide your customers.

But where does that remarkable experience start? It starts with deep customer understanding that gets transferred into your marketing messages and your sales talking tracks. It starts when future customers become aware of your company for the very first time.

So, to create a remarkable experience for your customers, you must provide value the entire way through, starting with your marketing and sales, as opposed to the traditional function of focusing on convincing them to become your customers.

What is a remarkable marketing and sales experience? Insightful Substance.

What is Insightful Substance?

Content that helps your customer solve a business problem or helps them advance toward their goals.

This means educational content - showing them why what you do matters to them, how it impacts them, and how they should act on this information. The first place to start is to take your deep customer understanding and map out a buyer's value matrix to focus on the content you need to provide to offer insightful substance.

What is a Buyer Value Matrix?

In the B2B world, you are often not selling to one person but a buyer's committee made up of the people who are reviewing a more complex product or service. Within that committee, there are various personas you are targeting, who all have different roles, characteristics and values.

A very useful tool to create to help you craft the right messaging for those personas is a Buyer's Value Matrix. This is a breakdown of each persona, their business problems, and how your product is valuable in solving those problems.

Create a chart with each persona in one column. In the row across, list the pain points they face daily, and if your product can solve or ease any of these problems, include them in that row.

Download this template to create your own Buyer's Value Matrix.

Now go and create content that provides insight substance for your buyers!

Digital Media Academy | Automating Operations with an Integrated Tech Stack

Processes are what enable a business to scale. How many systems/software do you have? Are they integrated? A disconnected system was a challenge that Digital Media Academy faced when they came to us for help.

Digital Media Academy enables schools to prepare students with the skills they need for their future, offering technology education and learning experiences to middle and high-school-aged children. They came to us with some big initiatives to streamline their operations from every end of the customer journey, featuring all aspects of their business, including operations, sales, service, and marketing. The results?

✓Thirteen integrations made

✓Over 100 automated workflows created

✓Over 100,000 contacts added into HubSpot

✓An estimated 250 hours of effort saved

✓An overall SAAS cost reduction of 30%

Read our latest case study to see how we did it.

New Analytics For Your Website

Have you heard about Google’s new analytics system, GA4? Google is going to sunset Universal Analytics on June 30th, 2023 and will no longer process any new data. It’s important to make the switch to GA4 now so that you can continue collecting and analyzing your website's or app’s data to understand your user behaviour and optimize for better experiences while growing your revenue. GA4 offers new features and insights that can help you better understand your website and improve your online presence. Let’s make the switch to GA4 right away!

If you're unsure about how to make the switch to GA4 or want to learn more about it, Google offers free training courses and resources on their website. Check it out here.

Need some help with the switch? Our analytics experts here at Roadmap can make the switch a breeze for you. Happy analyzing!

Contact us to make the switch!

Grants are available for digital transformations

We’re happy to announce  we are now Digital Advisors under the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP). This program is for small or medium-sized business in Canada, and offers two grants to help you get online and use technology to build your business:

  • The Grow Your Business Online grant gives you up to $2,400 to set up e-commerce and grow your sales online.
  • The Boost Your Business Technology grant gives you funding to get advice on the technologies that can propel your business forward. Support for these businesses will be grants to offset the cost of retaining digital advisors who will develop digital adoption plans tailored to the business. The grants will cover 90% of the cost to develop the digital plan, up to $15,000.

What does being a digital advisor mean? It means we’re registered with CDAP and we meet all of the required criteria to develop digital adoption plans through the Boost Your Business Technology grant.

The pandemic has changed the way Canadians do business, and customers are doing more and more business online. Organizations need to adopt new digital technologies to meet their customers' needs and stay competitive. That’s where the grant comes in - before meaningful digital transformation can happen, organizations need an effective digital adoption plan. And an advisor can create that plan for you.

Check out this Assessment Tool to see which grant might be right for your business, or contact us to learn more about what we can do for your organization as a digital advisor.

Contact us about digital plans!

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