March 6, 2023 |

February 2023 Round-Up: Customer Acquisition, Retention & Expansion

This Round Up is all about how your business can use a CRM for customer acquisition, retention & expansion — and more on CDAP grant funding

Insights and Updates - Customer Acquisition, Retention & Expansion

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, having an integrated CRM system can be the difference between success and failure. A Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is an invaluable tool for businesses of all sizes. It provides an effective way to engage, acquire, retain and expand your customer base.  If you aren't currently using a CRM for your business, let's see if we can convince you to start.

Engage with your customers wherever they are in the pipeline.

It's all in the name — a CRM is designed to help businesses manage customer relationships. This starts with their first trackable touch-point with you, whether that's your website, an ad they're shown online or an interaction with your social accounts. You can use all this trackable data to help deliver prospects/leads/future clients exactly what they want from you when they want it.

How can your CRM help you acquire customers?

The sales hub in your CRM is where your sales process and sales playbook come to life, and through the use of data, you can optimize your predictable pipeline. You will know how many touches equal a higher chance of closing; when a prospect reviews quotes, where a prospect gets stuck in your pipeline and ultimately, what your sales forecast is with clarity, confidence and precision.

This leads us to Retention. 

When implemented correctly, your CRM highlights and simplifies opportunities to give your clients more value. There are lots of ways you can exceed expectations and delight your customers:

  • Send personalized emails at relevant times, like a welcome email that outlines how they can make the most out of their recent purchase or service reminders with plenty of warning. 
  • Keep notes pinned on service tickets to avoid customers having to re-explain their concerns.
  • Set up a notification if a client hasn't heard from your team in a set amount of time, so you can reach out to ensure they are still satisfied.
  • Get customer feedback through personal emails or automated surveys at specific times after purchase.

Customer retention leads to customer expansion. That can mean more use of your services, larger/more frequent purchases, referrals or renewed contracts. The list goes on, but it all comes down to the idea that: reduced churn = increased profit.

At Roadmap, we want to see your business grow by helping you implement structure and accountability throughout the lifecycle of your customers. One of the ways we do this is through our HubSpot CRM implementation and onboarding services.  

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute discovery call with Roadmap President, Steve Whittington, to discuss how your branding could be creating more value. 

Book a Discovery Call.

Salem Home | New Responsive Website

Salem Home focuses on creating connection and purpose for its residents. It is a progressive and inclusive long-term care facility, the only one in Manitoba with community-creating floor plans, and a short-stay Behaviour Treatment Unit. Leadership recognized that while their facility is leading edge, their website presence was not.

So, they partnered with Roadmap to modernize their website. The goal was to appeal to the generation entering the workforce and present Salem Home as an ideal career opportunity. The updated career section emphasizes work-life and culture, employee stories, and company values. It is also linked to Salem Home's Instagram account and automatically populates recent posts based on relevant hashtags.

At Roadmap, we focus on building long-term relationships with clients. We actually developed the previous Salem Home website 7 years ago!

Visit the new website.

Access up to $15,000 in grants for digital transformations

We’re happy to announce that we are now Digital Advisors under the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP). This program offers small and medium businesses a grant of up to $15,000 towards building a digital adoption plan through a qualified Digital Advisor, such as Roadmap. Once the plan is complete, companies can then receive up to $100,000 in interest-free loans from the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) to implement the technologies that can propel their business forward.

What could you receive through CDAP funding?  Eligible businesses receive funding for the consultation of a Digital Advisor and the creation of a digital plan. The digital plan is tailored to your business needs and can include:

  • Strategic Foundation
  • Persona Development
  • Customer Journey Mapping
  • Marketing Audit
  • Tech Stack Audit
  • CRM Discovery Workshop
  • Training Staff on Technologies
  • Digitizing Your Operations

What is the Process?

  1. Schedule a free 30-minute session with Steve to confirm your eligibility and discuss how you can grow and scale your business.
  2. Complete your CDAP application, and use their Digital Needs Assessment tool to confirm your eligibility for funding.
  3. Once you’re deemed eligible for funding, begin working with an advisor from the digital advisor marketplace list to build your digital adoption plan.
  4. As a CDAP digital advisor, Roadmap will work with you to co-create a plan you submit to CDAP to receive the grant funds (up to $15,000).
  5. You submit the CDAP-approved plan to the BDC for an interest-free loan to implement the elements in the plan.

Not sure of your eligibility? We can help you map things out and find the best path to grow your business.

Contact us about Digital plans.

Would you like us to implement a similar strategy for you?

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