February 26, 2021 |

February 2021 Round-Up: Successes and lessons from our 1st month

Successes and lessons from our 1st month

We can’t believe it’s been over a month since the official launch of Roadmap!

It’s been a rollercoaster ride and although we’re excited to be on this journey, some realities remind us that it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. We’ve had successes and we’ve learnt lessons. In our blog, we go over why 1+1=3 and the valuable lessons we’ve learnt so far.

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January Roundup

Rested and ready for 2021 was the theme of January. It was a busy month for us that included a lot of annual planning and launches. Check out what we were up to:

Kicked off annual planning sessions with clients

In order to reach goals you need to set goals and create initiatives and then tactical plans for how you are going to reach the goals. For us to understand how to create success for our clients we ask what success looks like for this coming year. We then create plans to achieve that success.  This is a critical process with all our key clients so we are working towards the same goal. Our annual marketing plans create clarity, are quantified, focused, realistic and are agreed upon by the client. It’s our roadmap for success!

EcoPoxy Volume Calculator Launch

We removed the guess work for EcoPoxy customers with the launch of their custom Volume Calculator. The tool located on their website calculates the amount of FlowCast® needed for your project. Volume is calculated automatically when measurements are inputted by the customer, and suggests the amount of FlowCast®  and kit size needed for their project.

Check it out here!

Social Media Launch: Roket Gear

We welcomed Roket Gear as a client and along with annual planning and a host of other tasks, we set up and launched their social media. Over the last month we’ve seen an impressive growth of 454% on Instagram and interest from individuals, retailers, and hockey schools regarding their innovative hockey training gear. If you’re into hockey you’ll definitely want to check them out: InstagramFacebook LinkedInTikTok

Roadmap Customer Council

As indicated in our November Soft Launch we have formed a Customer Council. The purpose of this council is to receive direct feedback from you, our clients about our services and processes and what you feel is needed.  This is due to occur in the first quarter and we will share the outcomes!

 The group that put their hand up includes leaders from Ag Growth InternationalFlaman Group of CompaniesProCoatRandom TransportRemple Insurance, and Capstone Ridge Group.


Learn more about why we are doing it and why everyone should have a customer council.

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Why Sales and Marketing Need to Work Together
March 19, 2021


Successes and Lessons From our First Month
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